
Calling all EDUCATORS teaching 1st - 5th grade!

Discover a Treasure Trove of FREE Downloadable Worksheets!

Revolutionizing Learning with the Mathstroverse!

Say goodbye to sacrificing grading papers for playtime! Our gamified learning platform, equipped with a robust math system, empowers students and teachers with powerful tools. Experience an extraordinary learning journey like never before! classroom. Get ready for an extraordinary learning experience as the Mathstroverse comes equipped with:


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Engaging Gamified Learning

Say goodbye to boring lessons! Our platform transforms math into an exciting adventure, captivating students and making learning an immersive experience. From basic arithmetic to complex problem-solving, we've got it all covered, ensuring students build a strong foundation for success.

Seamless Classroom Integration

Seamlessly integrate the Mathstroverse into your curriculum, keeping learning continuous and engaging across various settings. Our platform provides flexibility for both in-person and remote learning environments.

AI-Powered Assistant

Meet our intelligent assistant, ready to provide personalized guidance and support. With AI technology, students receive tailored recommendations, targeted practice, and real-time feedback to enhance their learning journey.

Data-driven Insights

Gain valuable insights into student progress and understanding with our data-driven analytics. Identify strengths, pinpoint areas for improvement, and tailor instruction to maximize student success.

Take Teaching to the Moon and Beyond with the Mathstroverse!

Make Learning Fun, Make Teaching Fun Too! Engage your students like never before in a world of exciting math adventures!

Unlock the Wonders of the Mathstroverse: How It Works for Teachers!


Take control with our game controls! Assign captivating missions, customize topics, or choose from default options for math challenges. You can even offer exciting game content incentives for successful mission completion and much more!


Rubix serves as the students tutor and your very own artificially intelligent teachers aid. In the event students run into struggles within a math challenge, Rubix steps in and offers help to break down the problem step by step.


With Rubix as your personalized AI tutor, missions, curriculums, and instructions are seamlessly carried out. Upon student completion, Rubix provides you with detailed insights into student intervention, progress, and areas of improvement. Get valuable data-driven feedback at your fingertips!

Embark on an Adventure in the Mathstroverse! Join Our Exclusive Waitlist Today!

 Calling all educators! Be part of our Educator Beta Portal and experience the Mathstroverse from the ground floor. Get ready for an unparalleled math education journey that will transform your teaching approach.

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Mathstroverse astronaut
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Mathstroverse astronaut

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Mathstroverse astronaut